100+ TechnoBuild is an annual international professional congress dedicated to designing, construction, financing and maintenance of buildings of any purpose. More than 8 000 specialists from 19 countries gather in one venue in Ekaterinburg to discuss current issues and newest solutions in the field of construction and engineering.
This forum brings together 90 professional events that shape up a 3-day business program, which addresses such topics as high-rise and unique construction, architecture and urban planning, BIM technologies, people-friendly urban environment, modern construction materials, statutory regulation, sustainability and others.
This year 4 experts from our company are invited as speakers at 100+ TechnoBuild – Aleksandra Mitkina, Denis Vannusov, Sergey Rudnev and Nikolay Novikov.
Aleksandra Mitkina, Chief Specialist of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning department will present a report called "Modeling of microclimate of complex spaces / atriums. Influence of Stac-effect on air exchange in high buildings using the example of 256-meter multifunctional complex iCity". Her presentation will be a part of the session "Engineering Systems of Buildings, Including the High- Rise Buildings. BIM Technologies in Engineering Systems" (October 5th, 12:00-13:30). In this session there will also be speakers from such companies as "Aleksandr Kolubkov", Climatech Engineering and GK VentSoft.

Denis Vannusov, Leading Engineer of Communication and Signaling Systems department will be a speaker at Russian Forum of BIM Technologies taking place at 100+ TechnoBuild 2021. During the session "BIM as a digitalization tool" (October 7th, 14:30-16:00) Denis will present a report called "Automation of designing the communication systems and electricity supply systems using BIM (exemplified by Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center named after A.S. Loginov)". He will be joined at this session by colleagues from Semrén+Månsson, Acceleration, Research Center of Construction, Institute of Information Modeling and Architecture and Genpro.

Sergey Rudnev, Chief Structural Engineer will be a speaker at International Forum of Construction Design Engineers and Structural Engineers INTERCONSTROY-2021 taking place at 100+ TechnoBuild 2021. His report called "Steel structures in the project of redevelopment of a public cultural center GES-2 in Moscow" will be a part of the session "Information Modeling, Construction Aerodynamics, Estimated Experimental Studies" (October 7th, 16:30-18:00).

Also in this session Nikolay Novikov will present a report called "Designing reinforced concrete structures of high-rise and unique objects using the examples of ZILART DIAMOND and STONE Savelovskaya business center projects". Other speakers of the session include participants from Research Center of Construction, ООО "Megalit-project", Eurasian SEISMO Association, Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways and Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

We wish our colleagues successful presentations and invite all interested guests and partners to attend their insightful reports.
If you are not able to attend the event, the streaming of all sections will be broadcasted on official website forum-100.ru as well as on YouTube channel of 100+ Forum Russia in real time. The recordings of the sessions will be saved.
To learn more about 100+ TechnoBuild forum and exhibition go to their website.