On February 9, the in-person competitive stage of the I Open School BIM-Championship of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering took place in St. Petersburg. 10 months have passed after the signing of an agreement on the opening of information modeling technology classes. The open school BIM-championship is a unique career guidance platform for schoolchildren who plan to connect their future profession with construction. It provides an opportunity to communicate with experts and show their skills in using BIM-tools.
Students from secondary schools No. 100, 255, 334, 347, gymnasium No. 99, secondary schools No. 68, 80 in Yekaterinburg and No. 26 in St. Petersburg took part in competitions, during which they developed an architectural concept for an individual two-story residential building and completed its information model.
«Metropolis», along with representatives of Samolet, Visotskiy Consulting and Valtec companies, became a partner of the Championship. The chief architect of the project of «Metropolis» in St. Petersburg, Ekaterina Velichko, took part in evaluating the work of students in specialized classes. The winner was Vladimir Kulikov, a student of the physics and mathematics class of secondary school No. 100 in St. Petersburg. The student plans to connect his future profession with the technical field.
Second place went to Alina Zolotareva and Gleb Gorbunov from school No. 347. In third place were Daria Krylova from school No. 255, Igor Anisimov from school No. 80 in Yekaterinburg and Georgy Sabo from school No. 100. The nomination “Conceptual Architect” was awarded to Arseny Gitsba from school No. 255. The award ceremony took place on February 12.

«It was very exciting and interesting for me to represent «Metropolis» at the school BIM-Championship. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of work! Considering that the guys had very little time, they showed great results. It seemed very valuable to me that everyone had their own flavor in the project. Despite little design experience, the participants approached the task with creativity and enthusiasm. I was pleased with the sincere interest of the participants in BIM-modeling and architecture.
I am sure that over time, BIM-classes and similar events will prove their effectiveness in selecting talented people and will help specialized companies obtain in-demand and skilled personal. Using the example of our company, I can already confirm that this works: among my colleagues there are winners of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN, of which Metropolis has been a partner for the second year», - noted Ekaterina Velichko.
«Metropolis» traditionally supports specialized educational institutions and takes a part in industry competitions. So, in November 2023, our team was a partner of the All-Russian student BIM-championship on the basis of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering, and already this year «Metropolis» became a strategic partner of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN, launching a new student direction «Architecture, design, construction and housing and communal services».