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    100+ TechnoBuild, 9 October 2023
    "Metropolis" shared its expertise at the business program 100+ Technobuild

    From 3 to 6 of October the anniversary X International Forum and Exhibition 100+ TechnoBuild 2023 was held in Yekaterinburg. The Forum was attended by over 25 thousand people. The theme of the tenth forum and exhibition was “Building Humanity” as a reflection of the priority of the construction industry to improve the quality of life of people. However technology and design features are still key within the business program.

    “We continue to be passionate about our core which includes design and construction engineering. 60% of the business program dedicated to that. But everything that related to a comfortable environment and cities of the future has become an integral part of our forum and exhibition”, - Vera Belous, head of the working group for organizing 100+ TechnoBuild, said.

    The main session “Human-Centricity in the Construction Industry” was held on October 4. During the session it was said that the most important priority of the construction industry was to improve the quality of life of citizens, which is impossible without updating settlements, increasing construction volumes, import substitution of building materials and equipment, improving the comfort of the urban environment, restoring new territories, constructing prefabricated facilities and introducing new technologies. The participants discussed the most pressing issues and challenges facing the industry. Among the government participants were Irek Faizullin, Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation; Vladimir Yakushev, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District; Evgeny Kuyvashev, Governor of the Sverdlovsk region and others.