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    18 May 2023
    The finalists of the Special League "Architecture, Design and Construction" of the CASE-IN championship are determined

    The qualifying stage of the special league "Architecture, design and construction" of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN was held from April 14 to May 16. For the first time, the partner of the Special League was the Metropolis company, which prepared the terms of reference and guidelines for the participants.

    More than 400 students of leading construction universities took part in the qualifying stage in the following areas: “Architecture”, “Information systems and technologies in construction”, “Software engineering”, “Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage”, “Construction”, “Construction of unique buildings and structures” and “Management of investment and construction activities”.

    The participants formed 52 project teams, in which they selected a chief project engineer and distributed the roles of an architect, a structural engineer, engineering specialists and a BIM coordinator. The teams were guided by mentors from the universities, as well as by Metropolis experts.

    The task for the case was to develop an integrated concept for a four-star hotel in Kaliningrad with at least 200 rooms and a total area of no more than 12,000 m2. Solutions were presented in two blocks: “Project concept” and “Design”.

    The jury of the qualifying stage determined 10 teams that made it to the finals of the Special League.

    St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) will be represented at the final stage by 4 teams: case2case, Altitude, Buildchamps and

    St. Petersburg Mining University will have 3 teams in the final: PROFECTUS, INSIGHT and Aelita.

    One team each from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great (BROYZ team), Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Viva construct team) and Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KGASU-1 team) also reached the final.

    The final of the Special League will be held on June 1, 2023 in Moscow at the National Research Technological University MISIS.

    The winners and participants who have proved themselves will have the opportunity of internship and further employment in the branches of Metropolis in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod. The championship finalists will also compete for cash prizes ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles.

    The organizers of the Special League “Architecture, Design and Construction” are the "Reliable Succession" Foundation and the Organizing Committee of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN.